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Showing posts with the label upcoming phones

Top 5 upcoming foldable phones:

Top 5 upcoming foldable phones: This year is going to be year of upcoming foldable phones. Here are some foldable phones: Samsung  Galaxy phone   Now this was supposed to  come  out and then a Samsung released too  early  because they had design flaws and  the  CEO even admitted  that but  we're  really  excited to see it come out and  it 'll come out some time at the end of  the  year or next  year so  it's  still  gonna be the same a spec wise: Specifications  Android 9.0 5 12 gigabytes  of  RAM 7.3 inch display 1536 521 52  16  megapixel  camera  12 gigabytes of RAM   Snapdragon 855 A long  with that 4380  milliamp  battery.  so I think we're all  excited  to see it did have that design  flaw  where if you peel the display  whether  or rather the display was too...